The city poetry Society, the city Coulian family Association and other joint organizations to Hong Kong Zhongping village and Yunfeng Mountain to carry out the theme of the Party Day activities

Edit: Administrator日期:2024-06-17 15:00:30Number of views: 3259

City poetry society, city Coulian home association, etc

Joint organization to Hong Kong Zhongping village and Yunfeng Mountain

We will carry out activities related to the Party Day


202467At the invitation of the Dingcheng District Network publicity Association, the Changde Poetry Society and the Changde Coulian Family Association jointly organized to go to Gangzhongping Village and Yunfeng Mountain in Dingcheng District for collecting style and carrying out theme Party Day activities。Changde Poetry Society Executive Vice president and Secretary-General, Party secretary Liu Jingping, Vice president PI Guofan, deputy Party secretary Lou Dehua, City Coulian Home Association chairman He Shouwang, Vice chairman Han Tuojiang, Anxiang poetry Society president Lei Bo, Liuye Lake poetry branch vice president Zou Minghui, Dingcheng District network Xuan Association president Gong Tianbao,Some poetry friends of the poetry society and some members of the Ding City network publicity Association participated in the activity。

在谢家铺镇港中坪村党群服务中心,党支部书记段德喜深情地向我们讲述了习总书记2024年3月19日下午深入到港中坪视察调研的情况。After the briefing, Liu Jingping, He Shouwang and PI Guofan also splashed ink on the spot and wrote calligraphy works for Gangzhongping Village。




Dai Hong, a big farmer, visited modern agricultural machinery and various agricultural special products。Some poets personally experience the operation method of tiller, rice transplanter and rice cutting machine;Some have experienced some traditional farming methods...

Yunfeng Mountain strange terrain, one foot three counties, east Hanshou beauty, south pull Taojiang quiet color。The magical marriage tree is long at the junction of the three counties, standing on the top of the mountain to see the clouds and fog around the mountain, the sun on the top of the mountain, people like standing in the clouds and fog, very comfortable。

Today, Yunfeng Mountain Village is a famous city-level beautiful township, provincial-level beautiful township creation village, national forest village, is China's longevity township, is a national 3A tourist attraction。In recent years, with the settlement of the practice base of the NPC deputies, the hardening of roads, the integration of cultural tourism, the governance of village appearance and other aspects have achieved remarkable results, and the sense of happiness of the masses has been greatly improved。

At Yunhua Villa, the poets and the students of the electric blow pipe class who arrived earlier carried out networking activities。Singing, dancing, painting...

After the event,采风团成员纷纷表示:将把学习贯彻习总书记在湖南及常德考察时的重要讲话和指示精神作为当前和今后一个时期的首要政治任务,Carefully organize learning,Deeply understand the essence of thought,Fully show the poet's responsibility,To contribute to Changde's cultural development and economic construction。

Written by: Lou Dehua

Final adjudication: Liu Jingping

Produced by: Wen Hui

Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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