An isolated mind is a great mind and a republic

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-- Song Jiaoren "Alone Night" poem awarded

Ding Zhilin

    In 1904, the Changsha uprising of the Huaxing Association broke out, and Huang Xing and Song Jiaoren were wanted by the Qing government and had to flee to Japan。In 1906, Song Jiaoren suffered from neurasthenia due to overwork, and during his stay in Tokyo Brain Hospital, he sang a poem called "Alone Night" :

A long time away from home, a lonely night more desolate。
Lonely pillow wutong rain, stump lamp cricket autumn。
This life in sorrow, the country dream middle stream。
The world is flowing, the day is no reward!

    The first two sentences write the poet living in Japan, suffering from foreign feelings。"A long exile makes the night lonely。"He has been wandering in the field for a long time, because he was wanted by the Qing government," there is no home to return"。At night, lying alone in a hospital bed, no one to care for, feeling even more lonely and desolate。

    The second joint implied before borrowing, further rendering the bleak atmosphere。"The lone pillow of the parasol rain, the stump of the lamp cricket autumn。Outside the window, the rain is hitting the phoenix tree leaves, the indoor lights are close to extinguish, and the crickets are chirping。"Phoenix Tree" and "Cricket" are both objects that express the atmosphere of autumn。Wutong leaves earliest, so there is "a leaf knows autumn" said;Crickets, also known as autumn singing 蛩, are born in early autumn and cry loudly when they are cold。These two things into the poem, each to its own beauty。The former, pointing out the season, also means that the time was "troubled autumn";The latter, the Ming is said things, the actual situation。"Zhou Yi Book • School Notes" said: "Crickets in the soil, have wings can not fly, but live on the wall。Song Jiaoren, who has full revolutionary passion and lofty aspirations, is living in the hospital at this time, under the care of others, feeling like a cricket with wings can not fly, how can he not be so worried?

    So, the author in the third pen turn, write their own sorrow。"Live in sorrow", a life spent in sorrow。"Zhuang Zi" said: "Worry about the five hidden as benevolence and righteousness, cherish its blood to return to the Fa degree。Song Jiaoren, who was committed to opposing the Qing Dynasty, was suffering from the anguish of such great benevolence and righteousness。"On Heng" said: "Worry about the spirit of hard thinking, shaking the body。Sure enough, he "motherland dream middle stream.。People in Japan, but the heart is in their own motherland with a long history, concerned about the decline of the state and the national crisis under the rule of the Manchu Dynasty。Song Jiaoren's complex of worrying about the country and the people leapt out of the paper。

    The last two sentences are the main theme of the poem, expressing the poet's ambition to join the revolution and serve the country。"The world gushing is", for the Analects of Confucius, "the world is also, and who is easy.?"The active use。At that time, the Chinese Tongmeng Association had been established for more than a year, and it could be said that the revolutionary strategy had been established, and the anti-Qing rebellion had ignited a fire, and countless martyrs had struggled in blood。"What a day's pay for being alone?"。Lonely mind, unique insight。孙中山《<民报>发刊词》:“求其斟时弊以立言,如古人所谓对症发药者,已不可见,而况夫孤怀宏识,远瞩将来者乎?The "People's Daily" was the organ of the Tongmeng Association, and Sun Yat-sen's so-called "solitary mind and great knowledge" of being able to "look far into the future" certainly meant "driving out the Tartars, restoring China, establishing a republic of China, and equalizing land rights.。"The program of the League。Song Jiaoren participated in the formation of the Tongmenghui, and during the departure of Sun Yat-sen and Huang Xing from Japan, he presided over the overall work of the Tongmenghui headquarters in Tokyo。"What daily pay", that is, when will it be realized。Obviously, "lonely Huai" served as the goal of his struggle, referring to Sun Yat-sen's Tongmenghui program, there should be no doubt。Here, it should also be pointed out that "lonely what day pay" is not a poet's sigh, but set to ask yourself, and further stimulate their strong sense of responsibility and mission。

    This poem is named "Alone Night", the poet uses the writing technique of inspiration and transformation, from the mood of "alone", to the "alone thinking", and then to the "only dream" of traveling to the motherland, and finally settling on the self-motivated "alone awake"。Layer upon layer, in one go。A man is a man, and a poem speaks his mind。Before he was discharged from hospital, Song Jiaoren threw himself into the flood of the democratic revolution. Under the leadership of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, he overthrew the thousand-year imperial system, achieved the great victory of the Revolution of 1911, and opened a new era of democracy and republic。

(Author's unit: Taoyuan County Federation of Literature and Arts)                   

Organizer: Hunan Changde Poetry Society
Submission email: submission review time: 9:00-17:00
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